Esther Shoemaker
Doctoral Students
Founder & Personal Trainer
Publications & Presentations
- Peer-reviewed Publications
- Shoemaker, E.S., Rolfe, D., Cameron, C., & Bourgeault, I.L. The CAesarean Section REduction (CARE) Strategy: Sharing the Success of an Innovation Transfer. Healthcare Management Review. Submitted June 5, 2014.
- Shoemaker, E.S. (2012). Myth: C-sections are on the rise because more mothers are asking for them. Journal of Health Services and Policy Research, 17(1), 63-64.
- Non-refereed Publications
- Shoemaker, E., Rolfe, D., Neiterman, E., Walji, R., Bourgeault, I., & Hutton, E. (2013). Health Care Providers' Experiences with MSH-CARES. PHIRN Working Paper Series.
- Rolfe, D., Shoemaker, E., Bourgeault, I., & Hutton, E. (2013). Evaluation of the Markham Stouffville Hospital Birth Options Session. PHIRN Working Paper Series.
- Shoemaker, E., & Rolfe, D. (2012). Reducing Caesarean Section Among Low-Risk Mothers: Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary, Multifaceted Intervention Strategy at Markham Stouffville Hospital. Perinatal Perspectives, 2(1), 2-3.
- Baum, E. (2006). The Perfect Body: A Comparable Study of Modern Western and Ancient Egyptian Women. Ecclectica, Women on Women. Available from Brandon University.
- Presentations
- Shoemaker, E., & Bourgeault, I. (2014). CARE: An Evidence Based Strategy to Reduce Caesarean Section Rates for Low Risk Women. Optimizing Childbirth Across Europe Conference. Brussels, Belgium (April 10).
- Shoemaker, E., Cameron, C., Stirling, D. & Vanbesien, J. (2014). Caesarean Section After the Hospital: Public Health Perspectives on the CARE Strategy. CHNET-WORKS! Webinar. (April 02).
- Shoemaker, E. (2013). Power/Knowledge and Pathological Birth: A Foucauldian Analysis of the Rise of Caesarean Sections." Qualitative Analysis Conference 2013. Ottawa, Ontario (May 23).
- Shoemaker, E. & Cameron, C. (2013). An Interdisciplinary, Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Caesarean Section Rates in a Low Risk Population: A Process and Outcome Evaluation. Association of Ontario Midwives - Putting Evidence into Practice. Sudbury, Ontario (February 11).
- Shoemaker, E. (2013). Giving Birth to the Ottawa Birth Centre. Institute of Population Health Research Coordination Meeting (February 5).
- Bourgeault, I., & Shoemaker, E. (2012). An Interdisciplinary, Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Caesarean Section Rates in a Low Risk Population. Association of Ontario Midwives - Putting Evidence into Practice: A Midwife-Led, Evidence Based Approach to Reducing the C-Section Rate in Ontario. Kitchener, Ontario (November 15).
- Shoemaker, E. (2012). Prenatal Genetic Testing: The Routine Assessment of a Life Worth Living. Third Biennial Bilingual CSSH Conference: Sociological Contributions to Health Equity. Ottawa, Ontario (October 26).
- Shoemaker, E., & Rolfe, D. (2012). MSH-CARES: Markham Stouffville Hospital – Caesarean Section Reduction Strategy. Institute of Population Health Research Coordination Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario (September 11).
- Shoemaker, E. (2012). Eine Intervention zur Senkung der Kaiserschnittrate. Kaiserschnitt oder Natuerliche Geburt – Erkenntnisse aus Kanada. Elisabeth Krankenhaus. Neuwied, Germany (September 17).
Shoemaker, E., Bourgeault, I., Hutton, E., Rolfe, D., Forget, E., Dunn, S., Neiterman, E., Walji, R., & Eldred, S. (2012). Poster - Presentation: MSH-CARES: Markham Stouffville Hospital – Caesarean Section Reduction Strategy. SOGC 68th Annual Clinical Meeting 2012. Ottawa, Ontario (June 23).
Shoemaker, E. (2012). MSH-CARES: the Markham Stouffville Hospital – Caesarean Section Reduction Strategy. Champlain - Maternal Newborn Regional Program 2nd Annual Maternal Newborn Conference 2012. Ottawa, Ontario (May 18).
Bourgeault, I., & Shoemaker, E. (2012). An Interdisciplinary, Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Caesarean Section Rates in a Low Risk Population: A Process and Outcome Evaluation. Association of Ontario Midwives - Putting Evidence into Practice: A Midwife-Led, Evidence Based Approach to Reducing the C-Section Rate in Ontario. Ottawa, Ontario (January 20). - Bourgeault, I., Cameron, C., & Shoemaker, E. (2011). A Process and Outcome Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary, Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Caesarean Section Rates in a Low Risk Population. Beyond Boundaries: Midwifery's First Joint North American Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario (November 12).
- Bourgeault, I., Cameron, C., & Shoemaker, E. (2011). An Interdisciplinary, Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Caesarean Section Rates in a Low Risk Population: A Process and Outcome Evaluation. Ontario Hospital Association Maternal and Newborn Care Conference. Toronto, Ontario (September 20).
- Shoemaker, E. (2010). Women's Interpretations of Medicalized Childbirth. Normal Labour and Birth Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia (July 22).
- Baum, E. (2008). Medicalized Childbirth: Experiences and Attitudes of Canadian Women. Qualitatives Conference 2008. Fredericton, New Brunswick (May 23).
- Baum, E. (2007). Giving Birth: Experiences and Attitudes towards Methods of Delivery. Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Student Works-in-Progress Conference. Ottawa, Ontario (November 23).