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Shabnaz Siddiq

Undergraduate Students
Founder & Personal Trainer

Project Description

During the third year of her undergraduate studies, Dr. Bourgeault’s research publications on Maternal Health and Midwifery inspired Shabnaz to be involved. As a student researcher, she worked with Dr. Bourgeault to evaluate the MSH-CARES Initiative with the greater goal of reducing C-section rates by 5% in low risk women. Her role as a researcher included exploring the requirements of an effective knowledge transfer of a multifaceted intervention to reduce C- section rates from one community hospital to another. This involved an exploration of why the Queensway Carleton Hospital (QCH) in Ottawa, Ontario is interested in adopting the MSH-CARES Initiative and how they intend on implementing this intervention.

Research Projects

4th year project (HSS 4900), Health Sciences Programme, University of Ottawa

Publications & Presentations

  • Peer-reviewed publications and working papers
    • Siddiq S, Wilson BJ, Graham ID, et al. Experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases: a qualitative study. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2016:1-10. doi:10.1186/s13023-016-0548-2.
    • Khangura SD, Tingley K, Chakraborty P, Siddiq S et al. Child and family experiences with inborn errors of metabolism: a qualitative interview study with representatives of patient groups. J Inherit Metab Dis. July 2015. doi:10.1007/s10545-015-9881-1.
  • Oral presentations 
    • Siddiq, S. (2015, May). The little things that matter: A qualitative study of the disease management experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases, Paper presented at the Garrod Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
    • Siddiq, S. (2015, March). The little things that matter: A qualitative study of the disease management experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases, Paper presented at the Ottawa Hospital Research Day, Ottawa, ON.
    • Siddiq, S. (2015, June). Integration of studies to identify patient-and family-oriented outcomes for children diagnosed with inherited metabolic diseases (IMD) in Canada: A Meta-Synthesis Approach, Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB), Toronto, ON.
    • Siddiq, S. (2012, December)The Transferability of MSH-CARES - a Multiple Intervention Strategy to Reduce the Caesarean Section Rates - from one Community Hospital to Another, Paper presented at the Population Health Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.

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