During the third year of her undergraduate studies, Dr. Bourgeault’s research publications on Maternal Health and Midwifery inspired Shabnaz to be involved. As a student researcher, she worked with Dr. Bourgeault to evaluate the MSH-CARES Initiative with the greater goal of reducing C-section rates by 5% in low risk women. Her role as a researcher included exploring the requirements of an effective knowledge transfer of a multifaceted intervention to reduce C- section rates from one community hospital to another. This involved an exploration of why the Queensway Carleton Hospital (QCH) in Ottawa, Ontario is interested in adopting the MSH-CARES Initiative and how they intend on implementing this intervention.
Research Projects
4th year project (HSS 4900), Health Sciences Programme, University of Ottawa
Publications & Presentations
Peer-reviewed publications and working papers
Siddiq S, Wilson BJ, Graham ID, et al. Experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases: a qualitative study. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2016:1-10. doi:10.1186/s13023-016-0548-2.
Khangura SD, Tingley K, Chakraborty P, Siddiq S et al. Child and family experiences with inborn errors of metabolism: a qualitative interview study with representatives of patient groups. J Inherit Metab Dis. July 2015. doi:10.1007/s10545-015-9881-1.
Oral presentations
Siddiq, S. (2015, May). The little things that matter: A qualitative study of the disease management experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases, Paper presented at the Garrod Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
Siddiq, S. (2015, March). The little things that matter: A qualitative study of the disease management experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases, Paper presented at the Ottawa Hospital Research Day, Ottawa, ON.
Siddiq, S. (2015, June). Integration of studies to identify patient-and family-oriented outcomes for children diagnosed with inherited metabolic diseases (IMD) in Canada: A Meta-Synthesis Approach, Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB), Toronto, ON.
Siddiq, S. (2012, December). The Transferability of MSH-CARES - a Multiple Intervention Strategy to Reduce the Caesarean Section Rates - from one Community Hospital to Another, Paper presented at the Population Health Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.